Monday, March 26, 2007

Her and Pig!

You started Her up again, and never told me, none of you ever said a word, I'm shocked, terrified, gobsmacked. Soon as my crack leechtroopers get back from Washington (don't ask) you're all going to be in BIG trouble.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to invite the wrath of the leachtroopers, but sneak on over to GvP: Chris has managed to pound out a few new ones. Yeah, as if your agents hadn't already reported it to you.

1:57 AM  
Blogger President Leechman said...

My agents are on the ball, as you should be able to tell from my comments.

Alas, I see that there's talk of the "U" word again. When will people learn?

9:15 AM  

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